From the children and parents at Glenwood Nursery School
In memory of Mum's 5th anniversary from all in the States xx
A huge thanks to everyone who supported me doing the London Marathon.
In loving remembrance of Mum/Granny....K,C,H & S.
Happy 50th Paul and Kevin. The flight was not to be! Love always, Karin and Jim
In Mum's/Granny's memory on her 2nd anniversary.....The States-side Speiros
Donated in Sadie's memory on the occasion of Clare & Kevin's Silver Wedding anniversary. Aunt Irene & Aunt Julie.
For Kevin and Clares Silver Wedding. Congratulations to you both. Love Gillian and Dave xx
In memory of Sadie. Happy 50th Birthday Kevin.
Happy 50th Kev. Ger and Alison
In memory of Sadie's son Kevin turning 50.
For Kivins 50th Birthday - In memory of Sadie.
In memory of Kevin's 50th birthday.
I'm not sure how much I donated since it's in pounds. Anything helps for a good cause. Happy Birthday Keven
In honor of Kevin Speirits for his 50th birthday.
For Kevin's 50th in memory of Sadie
A starter for 10 (x10).....
Money raised in memory of Sadie prior to the Tribute Fund being set up. Thanks to everyone who contributed.